
I accompany individuals
who set out for a journey
to become the ones they
want to be.

Dr. Andrea Tschirf

English Information

About me


  • Social Science, Economics, University of Economics, Vienna
  • Course in Business & Professional Conduct, University of Salzburg
  • Systemic Coaching, Sonja Radatz
  • Feedback Coaching, G. Kutschera
  • Group Dynamics (ÖGGO, ÖAGG); Presentation Technique (E.Hierhold); Embodied Cognition (ISZM Zurich); Change Management, etc
  • DISC (i.e. Dominance, Influence – Steadiness - Conscientiousness  ) Certification
  • HypnosisSeminar on Systemic & Hypnotherapeutic Concepts used in Group Counseling and Coaching, G. Schmidt Heidelberg

Professional Experience

  • Training & Coaching
  • Lecturer, University of Innsbruck
  • Lecturer at Technical College of  BFI (i.e. Institute of Career Advancement)
  • Business Leadership Career Center, University of Economics, Vienna
  • Recruiting, Management Career
  • Project in Administration Reform, Federal Ministry of Economics
  • Planning & Calculation, Touropa Austria

Core Areas in Coaching

  • Leadership
  • Self-Organisation & Time Management
  • Women & Career
  • Communication & Conflict Resolution


I can provide trainings for

  • Time Management & Self-Organisation
  • Communication & Conflict
  • Leadership
  • Appraisal Interviews between Employer & Employee
  • Team Building
  • Career Planning
  • Presentation

Dr. Tschirf Präsentationstraining


What is the meaning of coaching, actually?
How long does the coaching process take?

Coaching finds itself at the crossroads between the professional and private roles of the counselee. Through coaching, you can learn to control your own behaviour, suppressing certain recognized emotions/reactions, and in so doing, solving many of your chronic problems.

The duration of the coaching process depends upon the nature of your situation. Some issues can be resolved within an hour; others, for eg. career planning, require more time, perhaps 5-7 hours. Still other professional topics are most amenable to periodic sessions, extending over several weeks.

For further inquiries regarding your particular coaching needs, please contact me.

I can provide coaching for:

  • Organizations
  • Individuals
  • Start-up businesses
  • Women
  • Scientists

Coaching Services for Organizations
Please contact me by phone or e-mail for an nonbinding consultation about your training and/or coaching needs. We will be able to speak about the problem(s) unique to your situation, your goal(s), and how you would like me to help you achieve those goal(s).  Specific details pertaining to your operation will be analyzed, including your preferred approach.

As a result of your success, your associates will also benefit from my services. Training will be tailored to your unique situation. You will find examples of my customized services soon under Training Models (Prototypes).

Coaching needs arise on various occasions- when you assume a leadership position, when involved in joint projects with other groups, when an individual has a particular professional problem, etc. To find out if coaching is the correct developmental tool for your employees and/or associates, check under Coaching Models.

Coaching Services for Individuals
If you would like to further your professional development, complete a job application or prepare for a hearing, or if you are having problems with your boss and/or co-workers,  feeling as if you’re engaged in a rat race, or would like to discuss your professional situation on a regular basis…
Simply make an appointment for a nonbinding consultation to learn how we might work together to satisfy your needs.

Coaching Services for Women
Women often follow a less conventional professional track than their male counterparts, reflecting their personal goals. How much weight you place on your career, gaining insight into the rules governing the male-dominated business culture,  or what you could have learnt from a past situation- these are topics which confront today’s career woman.  Often you will have to pave your own path in the absence of role models.

I will support your efforts, help you to define your professional and personal roles, give you tips on communicating, as well as pointers on developing your OWN personal career strategy.

Coaching Services for Scientists
You’d like to discuss your career options, optimize your time management- perhaps you have not met your personal expectations for your thesis or thesis defense- or you would like to work through your professional problems.

With my 20 years university experience, I can provide you expert advise, whether you are staff member of the university’s infrastructure, i.e. an administrator, or have inquiries related to a technical career. (Please refer to “Time Management & Self-Organisation” in The Sciences”, by Andrea Tschirf and Markus Riedenauer for more details.)



Can I be a successful scholar and also have a fulfilling and happy life? Do the usual time-management techniques help achieve this goal and how should be these techniques modified?
The book presents methods – adapted to the unique challenges of academia – for managing time and projects while also offering ways to prevent stress, increase motivation, and plan for a successful life integrating all your interests and values.

UTB: facultas 2021, 240 pages, softcover
ISBN 978-8252-5703-3

order book (Facultas)



Dr. Andrea Tschirf
Schätzgasse 3, 1190 Vienna
Tel.: +43 676 411 87 92  andrea.tschirf@tschirf.at

© 2019 Dr. Andrea Tschirf  Impressum  Datenschutz